Go West

Now, this is a coat that's really a coat.
There's the finest deerskin jacket
I've ever seen.

Looks like it was made-to-order.
Now, let's see.
That's $20 plus $1. That's $21.

We meet you halfway. We give you $1.
You must have come the short way.
- Come on, Rusty. Give him $1.
- That's fine.

- Adios, gentlemen.
- $9 change, please.

- Change?
- That's $10.

So it is.
- Say, it looks a lot like the other one.
- It should.

Here's your change.
It's a pleasure to do business
with a man like you.

Our slogan is,
"The customer is always right."

Say, did you see something
flying across here?

- Might have been a pigeon.
- No, it wasn't a pigeon. It was green.

- Must have been a frog.
- It had numbers on it.

Those were the license plates.
I guess it's my... No, it isn't.
I can't seem to locate
that $20 you gave me.

What $20? We no give you $20.
We give you $2.

$1 for the hat, and $1 for the coat.
That's right, yes,
but you gave me two $10.

Sure, and you give us $18 change.
$18 from $20 is $2.

- And you got mixed up.
- So stupid of me.

There's something corrupt
going on around my pants...

and I just can't seem to locate it.
If you think we're crooked,
we give you another $1.

I'm sorry if I had you fellows
pegged wrong.

I must have misunderstood you.
$9 change, please.
- You wouldn't wanna give me $1?
- No.

How about giving me 10 singles
and I'll give you 9 singles change?

- But we got no singles.
- I just gave him $18.

He sends money home to his mother.
- You want $1?
- Not if it's gonna cost me $9.

- You should watch your money.
- I'll watch my money. You watch him.

$9 change, please.
