We've got to get to Little Bend
and form a posse.
He just swept Flower Belle on his horse
and away they went.
He got away with the gold shipment, too.
- He did?
- There's Flower Belle's aunt and uncle.
- Let them through.
- Mr. Powell, I got bad news for you.
- What's that?
Your niece has been
kidnapped by the Masked Bandit.
Flower Belle kidnapped?
Yes, and I'm forming a posse right now
to hunt for him.
Come on, let's go!
It's going to be all right, honey.
She's back. Flower Belle's coming.
All by herself, too!
- You sure, Zeb?
- Sure. Come on.
- Come on, boys.
Here she is.
I'm all right, I'm fine.
- I'm so happy to see you.
I was so worried.
I was in a tight spot,
but I managed to wiggle out of it.
- You always do.
Come on in the house, baby.
Flower Belle's back
and I guess that's all there is to it.
Go home and rest easy.
Did he want to hold you for ransom?
How'd you escape?
Don't go asking her
a lot of questions tonight.
She must be plumb tuckered out
after an experience like that.
If you don't mind,
I think I'll go up to my room.
- Just one question, Flower Belle.
How did you manage to get back to town
all by yourself?
Them hills is a long ways off.
He brought me to the edge of town,
after it got good and dark.
Where'd he keep you all that time?
I see you got my things off the stagecoach.
Come up, Aunt Lou. I want to show you
the pictures I had took at Big Bluff.
- Bring up the baggage, Zeb.
- Sure thing.
Good night, and thanks for looking for me.
These are right pretty pictures of you,
Flower Belle.
I like them. They look just like me.
- Gold.
Did the bandit give it to you?