Yes, it seems they have to import them.
Nobody in town wants the job.
Sounds like the place might be interesting.
What're you doing down there?
How do you do, sir?
Have you any private cars on this train?
A room and bath with exclusive bar?
No, only day coaches.
Allow me a half a tick...
to gather my portmanteau
and some valuable belongings.
Milton, my lad, meet me in Greasewood City.
Oh, dear. Did you break your umbrella?
You can't break it.
It's a genuine Chamberlain.
Straighten them out very easily.
Yeah, that's better.
May I present my card?
"Money loaned on clothing, furs, fur..."
- Just a moment. How did that get in there?
- Thank you.
Was that chap dragging you across
the prairie a full-blooded Indian?
Quite the antithesis. He's very anaemic.
What a pretty ring. Is it a cat's-eye?
Yes, it is a cat's-eye.
The pupil runs the wrong way. It's crossed.
Crossed with a bobcat.
Who is that vision of loveliness up there?
Pardon me, I'll be back. Keep the card.
Pardon me.