- Nice day.
- Is it?
Of course, it's only one man's opinion.
May I present my card?
"Novelties & Notions."
What kind of notions you got?
You'd be surprised.
Some are old. Some are new.
Whom have I the honour
of addressing, m'lady?
They call me Flower Belle.
Flower Belle. What a euphonious appellation.
Easy on the ears and a banquet for the eyes.
You're kind of cute yourself.
- Thank you. I never argue with a lady.
- Smart boy.
Thank you again. Do you ever play cards?
Don't mind if I do.
I'll show you a few card tricks.
We'll play the first one at two for nothing.
- Then if you wish to make a wager,
that's okay.
- Indians!
You boys get away from here. Private car.
I hate you.