Come, my phlox, my flower.
I have some very definite pear-shaped ideas
that I'd like to discuss with thee.
Come, open.
You can't come in. Go away, I'm dressing.
I'm as gentle...
Gentle as a forest-bred lion.
- And keep away from that keyhole.
It was the cat, dear.
Listen, didn't you promise to love,
honour, and be obedient?
Don't be old-fashioned.
Be a good boy and run along.
Why don't you look the town over?
What an unselfish little rose petal
you are, to be sure.
Must be Big Chief's new tepee.
Milton, my brave.
Go upstairs and park your stoical presence...
outside the tepee of Mrs. Twillie.
Number 8.
I'll proceed to the local gin mill
and absorb a beaker of firewater.
Big Chief gottum new squaw?
"New" is right.
She hasn't been unwrapped yet.
It certainly pays to be a good woman.
Yes, Squawk. It's been 20 years ago,
come rapadance...