but she's not a regular teacher
and she doesn't handle them very well.
They're bad boys and they get pretty unruly.
So was I,
when I went to school back in Chicago.
But I guess I grew out of it. Or did I?
All I hope is that someday we can build this
into a fine a city...
that a person would be proud to live in.
I see what you mean.
You're a man with ideals.
I guess I better be going
while you've still got them.
- Miss Flower Belle?
- Yes?
I wondered if you would care
to visit our little school with me tomorrow.
Coming from a big city like Chicago,
you might be able to offer us...
some suggestions, you know,
for improvements.
It's kind of against my principles,
but I will go with you.
Thanks. Can I see you to the hotel?
Just to the front door.
The Sheriff is very jealous.
Love and locksmiths.
- What are you trying to do?
- I'm Sheriff, my rhododendron.
Just warming up
for a bit of innocent sleuthing.
- lf you're so curious, come on in.
- Thank you, dear.
Certainly, the days of chivalry are not over.
I have been worried about you,
my little peach fuzz.
Have you been loitering somewhere?
- I've been learning things.
- Unnecessary.
You are the epitome of erudition.
- A double superlative.
Can you handle it?
Yeah, and I can kick it around, too.
There is something sweet
and dainty about a lady's boudoir.
How do you know?
Come on, answer the question.
Why, the latest etiquette books
are just full of such knowledge.