in the shop of a wood-carver
named, uh, Geppetto.
So, I hopped over.
And looked in.
It was a shame to see a nice
cheerful fire like that
going to waste.
So what do I do?
I go in.
I looked around.
Of course, being in
a strange place like that,
I didn't know what to expect.
A cricket can't be
too careful, you know.
Soon as I saw there was no one
about, I made myself at home.
As I stood there warming my...
myself, I took a look around.
Well, sir, you never saw
such a place.
The most fantastic clocks
you ever laid your eyes on.
And all carved out of wood.
And cute little music boxes,
each one a work of art.
Shelf after shelf of toys and--
And then something else
caught my eye.
A puppet!
You know, one of those
marionette things,
all strings and joints.
Cute little fella.
Ding, ding! Going up?
Good piece of wood too.
Well, now.
It won't take much longer.
Just a little more paint
and he's all finished.
I think he'll be all right.