For you, my little Pinocchio.
For me? Gee, thanks!
I'll run right home
and tell my father.
Oh, sure. Going home
to your father.
Oh, that is very comical!
- Ya mean it's funny?
- Oh, sure! Yes.
- I'll be back in the morning.
- Be back in the morning.
Going home.
There, this will be your home,
where I can find you always.
- No, no, no!
- Yes, yes, yes!
To me you are belonging.
We will tour the world.
Paris. London.
Monte Carlo.
- No, no!
- Yes!
We start tonight!
You will make lots of money...
for me!
And when you are
growing too old,
you will make good... firewood!
Let me outta here! I gotta
get out! You can't keep me!
Quiet! Shut-a up...
before I knock-a you silly!
Good night,
my little wooden gold mine.
No! No, wait! Let me out!
I'll tell my father!
Giddyap! Get along there.