That's it.
That's Manderley.
Here we are, Frith.
Everybody well ?
Yes, thank you, sir.
Glad to see you home, sir.
- This is Mrs. de Winter, Frith.
- How do you do ?
I didn't expect the whole staff
to be in attendance.
Mrs. Danvers' orders, sir.
Oh. Sorry about this.
Won't take long.
[ Maxim ]
This is Mrs. Danvers.
How do you do ?
How do you do ?
I have everything
in readiness for you.
That's very good of you.
I didn't expect anything.
[ Maxim ]
I think we'd like some tea, Rrith.
[ Rrith ]
It's ready in the library, sir.
[ Maxim ]
Come along, darling.
[ Knocking At Door ]
Oh, Maxim ! Come in !
Oh, good evening, Mrs. Danvers.
Good evening, madam.