- Good morning.
- Good morning.
You're Mrs. de Winter, aren't you ?
- Yes.
- My name's Crawley.
I-I manage the estate for Maxim.
Awfully glad to meet you.
[ Chuckles ] Fearful lot of stuff
piled up while Maxim was away.
Yes, I'm sure there must have been.
I, I do wish I could help
with some of it.
Oh, no. Frank never allows
anybody to help him.
He's like an old mother hen
with his bills and rents and taxes.
- Come on, Frank.
We must go over these estimates.
- I'll get my papers.
You'll fiind quantities
of breakfast over there.
- You must eat it all, or cook
will be mortally offended.
- I'll do my best, Maxim.
I have to go over the place with Frank
to make sure he hasn't lost any of it.
- But you'll be all right, won't you ?
- Mm-hmm.
Getting acquainted
with your new home ?
Have a look at The Times.
There's a thrilling article...
on what's the matter
with English cricket.
Oh, uh, yes, um--
My sister Beatrice and her husband Giles
Lacy have invited themselves for lunch.
- Today ?
- Yes.
I suppose the old girl
can't wait to look you over.
You'll fiind her very direct.
If she doesn't like you,
she'll tell you so to your face.
Don't worry, darling. I'll be back
in time to protect you from her.
- Good-bye, darling.
- Good-bye, Maxim.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.