
- Where's Mr. de Winter ?
- I believe he went down to
the farm with Mr. Crawley.

How tiresome of him not to be here
when we arrive, and how typical !

[ Whimpering ]
[ Beatrice ] I must say, old Danvers
keeps the house looking lovely.

She certainly learned that
trick of arranging flowers from Rebecca.

[ Giles ]
I wonder how she likes it now,

being ordered about
by an ex-chorus girl.

[ Beatrice ] Where on earth did you
get the idea she's an ex-chorus girl?

He picked her up
in the South of France, didn't he ?

- What if he did ?
- Well, I mean to say, there you are.

How do you do ? I-I'm Maxim's wife.
How do you do ? Well, I must say you're
quite different from what I expected.

Don't be so silly.
She's exactly what I told you she'd be.

- Well, how do you like Manderley ?
- Very beautiful, isn't it ?

And how do you get along
with Mrs. Danvers ?

Well, I-- I've never met anyone
quite like her before.

You mean she scares you ? She's not
exactly an oil painting, is she ?

Giles, you're very much
in the way here. Go somewhere else.

I'll try and fiind Maxim, shall I ?
I-I didn't mean to say anything
against Mrs. Danvers.

Oh, there's no need for you
to be frightened of her.

But I shouldn't have any more
to do with her than you can help.

- Shall we sit down ?
- Oh, yes, yes, please.

You see, she's bound to be
insanely jealous at fiirst,

and she must resent you bitterly.
- Why should she ?
- Don't you know ?

I should have thought
Maxim would have told you.

She simply adored Rebecca.
- How are you, Robert ?
- Quite well, thank, you, madam.

- Still having trouble with your teeth ?
- Unfortunately yes, madam.

You should have them out, all of them.
Wretched nuisances, teeth.

- Thank you, madam.
- Ooh, what a plateful.

-Do you hunt ?
-I don't. I'm afraid I don't even ride.
