
Come on,Jasper.
You won't tell anyone
you saw me in there, will ya ?

Don't you belong
on the estate ?

I weren't doin' nothin'.
I was just puttin'
my shells away.

She's gone in the sea,
ain't she ?

She'll never come back
no more.

No, she'll never come back.
Come on,Jasper.

Maxim !
What's the matter?

Maxim !
I'm sorry I was such a time,
but I had to fiind a rope

Hurry up,Jasper !
For heaven's sake !

Please wait for me. Maxim,
what is it ? You look so angry.

You knew I didn't
want you to go there,
but you deliberately went.

Why not ?
There was only a cottage
down there and a strange man--

You didn't go into
the cottage, did you ?
Yes. The door--

Well, don't go there
again, do you hear !
Well, why not ?

If you had my memories,
you wouldn't go there
or even think about it !

What's the matter ?
Oh, I'm sorry. Please.

We should have stayed away.
We should never have come
back to Manderley.

Oh, what a fool I was !
I've made you unhappy.
Somehow I've hurt you.

Oh, I can't bear
to see you like this...

because I love you so much.
Do you ? Do you ?
I've made you cry.
Forgive me.

I sometimes seem to fly
off the handle for no reason at all.

Don't I ?
Come, we'll go home,
have some tea and forget all about it.
