Yes, let's forget all about it.
Here, let me haveJasper.
- Hello. Come in.
- Oh, please don't get up, Mr. Crawley.
I was just wondering if you meant
what you said the other day...
about showing me
the run of things ?
- Of course I did.
- What are you doing now ?
Notifying all the tenants that,
in celebration...
of Maxim's
return with his bride,
this week's rent will be free.
Oh, was that Maxim's idea ?
Oh, yes. All the servants
get an extra week's wages too.
Oh, he didn't tell me.
[ Chuckles ]
Can't I help you ?
I could at least lick the stamps.
That's terribly nice of you.
Won't you sit down ?
Oh, yes, thank you.
I, I was down at the cottage
on the beach the other day.
There was a man there--
a queer sort of person.
-Jasper kept barking at him.
- Oh, yes. Must've been Ben.
Excuse me.
He's quite harmless.
We give him odd jobs now and then.
That cottage place seemed
to be going to wreck and ruin.
Why isn't something
done about it ?
Well, I think if Maxim wanted anything
done about it, he'd tell me.
Are those all
Rebecca's things down there ?
Yes. Yes, they are.
What did she use the cottage for ?
The boat used to be moored near there.
What boat ? What happened to it ?
Was that the boat she was sailing
in when she was drowned ?
Yes. It capsized and sank.
She was washed overboard.
Wasn't she afraid
to go out like that alone ?
She wasn't afraid of anything.