beauty and wit and intelligence...
and, oh, all the things that
are so important in a woman.
But you have qualities
that are just as important--
more important, if I may say so.
Kindliness and sincerity...
and, if you'll forgive me, modesty...
mean more to a husband than
all the wit and beauty in the world.
We none of us want to live
in the past. Maxim least of all.
It's up to you, you know,
to lead us away from it.
Well, I promise you
I won't bring this up again,
but before we end
this conversation...
would you answer
just one more question ?
If it's something
I'm able to answer, I'll do my best.
Tell me, what was Rebecca really like ?
I suppose--
I suppose she was the most
beautiful creature I ever saw.
- Good evening, Maxim.
- Hello.
The fiilms of the honeymoon
have arrived at last.
Have we time, do you think,
before dinner ?
Well, what on earth
have you done to yourself?
Oh, nothing. I just ordered a new dress
from London. I hope you don't mind.
Oh, no. Only do you think that
sort of thing is right for you ?
- It doesn't seem your type at all.
- I thought you'd like it.