I'll show you if she's a lady or if she ain't!
Attention! What's going on here?
Nothing. I'm just sitting here,
minding my own business.
- Rubio!
- Yes, sir?
- Another fight and I'll close your dive.
- What can I do? They all fight.
- Where is this girl Bijou?
- She's gone.
Bijou had nothing to do with this.
- Quiet! Where are you from?
- The Navy.
- There's nothing American in port.
- I uh... I was in the Navy.
I see.
I gave this girl a whole lot of money.
I wanted her to sing.
She won't come out.
He thinks he buys her
so he starts for her dressing room.
- See?
- Report to the magistrate at 10:00!
- Take him out!
- Come on.
I warned you about Bijou a month ago.
Have her at the magistrate 10:00.
Hey, you! You too.
Yes, sir.
James Clyde, convicted of disorderly
conduct and vagrancy. To be deported.