May I say good morning, Lieutenant?
Oh... May you say good morning!
- I've been looking all over town...
- Yes, it's such a big place, isn't it?
- But I still sing at the Seven Sinners.
- I haven't been in since...
I know, I insulted you. Tony told me.
He gave me a week to make things straight.
I've only two days more.
- Tony's wacky. I'll square him.
- Do you really mean that?
Mean it?
Look deep into my honest blue eyes.
No, grey. My honest grey eyes.
Can you doubt me?
Missy Henderson, thank you very much.
Thanks an awful lot, Lieutenant.
Homeside. Chop chop.
Missy Bijou, like to buy little potty?
Missy Bijou gotty litty potty.
Haven't you got nothing better to do
than stand here in the corner?
Oh. I was reading. I like to read sometimes,
it improves the mind.
Don't break your arm, fella.
Are you in the Navy?
I was once
but I missed my ship at Singapore.
That's tough going. Hello, Tony.
Lieutenant, ah, you come back.
I'm so glad you're mad at me.
I mean, I'm so mad, I'm mad at you.
I'm glad you're mad... I'm...
- You know what I'm saying.
- Don't tell me, let me guess.
Come on. Let's have a drink.
- Did I tell her?
- Gangway, gangway!
Did I bawl her up?
Well, you shouldn't have.
It was entirely my fault.
I know. Sure, Bijou is only a little bitty baby.
A baby?
Does he laugh by the hour,
or is it piecework?