Sometimes I get so carried away
I don't know what I'm doing.
Aren't you like that?
We're very much alike.
- Both absent-minded.
- You think so?
I like absent-minded people.
Like the man who put his watch
in boiling water and held the egg!
All great men are absent-minded.
It's a sign you're smart.
My folks didn't think so.
You haVe an excuse.
You were injured in the war.
I was born that way.
I wonder
why women never grow whiskers.
Isn't that foolish of me?
I could kick myself in the shins,
I could...
I'll give you a shampoo.
Ain't I cute?
How did you do it?
You should try it on yourself.
Fixed up, you'd look handsome.
Four pecks a pound, new potatoes!
The potato man! I haVe to go.