Nothing works!
Not even a sharp pencil.
I'm surrounded by incompetent,
stupid, sterile stenographers.
I'll get you a pen.
Don't bother! I won't send it.
Get out, get out!
We've just discovered
the most wonderful poison gas.
It will kill everybody...
All right. Later.
B76 to see Herr Herring.
A lady. My secret agent.
Your secret agent?
Tell her to come here.
Have B76 come right in.
Any news from Epstein?
Our agent reports that all
the board of directors are Aryans.
- The loan's bound to go through.
- Good.
A strike at the arms factory.
- The leader?
- Five of them.
- Have them shot.
- They were.
How many were going to strike?
Three thousand of them.
Have them all shot.
I don't want dissatisfied workers.
These men are skilled craftsmen.
Let's train others first,
then shoot them!
Cannot afford to be lenient.
The rhythm of production
will be affected.
All right, have your rhythm.
Spare the strikers and permit them
to return to work.
But mark them for future reference.
That's my department.
I'll attend to that. This way.
The strike leaders are all
brunettes. Not one blond.
Worse than Jews.
- Then wipe them out!
- Doucement.
We'll get rid of the Jews first,
then concentrate on the brunettes.
We shall never have peace
till we have a pure Aryan race.
How wonderful! Tomainia,
a nation of blue-eyed blonds.