The Letter

Send someone for him.
Tell him there's been an accident
and Mr. Hammond's dead.

Yes, missy.
And get word to Mr. Crosbie.
He's out somewhere
on the number four plantation.

No can telephone tonight.
Offices are all closed.

Well, send a boy for him.
Tell him to come at once.

Yes, missy.
What are you doing here,
all of you?

Go away. Go away, I tell you.
Mr. Withers! Mr. Withers!
Please stop at Lower Crossway.
I take shortcut.

Fred, can we get
this whole shipment on these cars?

-Sure we will, sir.
-If not, we can use the two big lorries.

What's the matter?
Mr. Crosbie,
Mr. Hammond has been shot.

What? What's that you said?
Mr. Hammond is dead.
Missy say hurry.

Fred, get to the village as fast as you can.
Telephone Joyce in Singapore.
