The Letter

He tried to make love to me,
and I shot him.

Oh, Robert, I'm so glad you've come.
There, darling.
Hold me tight. I'm so frightened.
There's nothing to be frightened about.
It'll be all right.

Leslie, darling, it'll be all right.
Mr. Withers, I hope you understand
that I couldn't see anyone...

-...until my husband came.
-I understand, Mrs. Crosbie.

Howard, how nice of you to come.
Naturally, I'd want to be here if I can help.
-Then you will help us?
-Of course I will. In every way I can.

-You're a dear.

How's Dorothy?
She's very well
and anxious to see you.

-Has her niece arrived from England?
-Adele. Charming girl. She came last week.

Here, you better be resting.
I do feel dreadfully faint.
Come and lie down, darling.
I'll get you something to drink.

I'm sorry to be so tiresome.
-You're being very brave.
-How long have you been here?

About an hour. One of the Crosbie
houseboys came to fetch me.

-Was Hammond dead?
-Oh, yes. He was just riddled with bullets.

-Here's the revolver.

All six chambers are empty.
Here, you two.
Better have a drink yourselves.

Thanks, but I'm afraid I shouldn't.
I'll have one, Bob.
I'm on duty of a sort, you know.
Feeling any better?
Much better, thank you.
Mrs. Crosbie, I know it sounds brutal,
but I'm afraid it's my duty...

:08:33 ask you some questions.
I think that can wait until my wife--
It's all right, really.
I feel perfectly well now.

Then suppose you tell us
exactly what happened, Leslie.

-I'll try.
-Take your time, Mrs. Crosbie.

Remember, we're all friends here.
You've been so patient.
