Its humble beginnings,
in this ramshackle building, a dying daily.
Kane's empire, in its glory...
...held dominion over 37 newspapers,
two syndicates...
...a radio network,
an empire upon an empire.
The first of grocery stores, paper mills...
...apartment buildings,
factories, forests, ocean liners.
An empire through which for 50 years...
...flowed in an unending stream...
...the wealth of the Earth's
third richest gold mine.
Famed in American legend
is the origin of the Kane fortune.
How, to boarding housekeeper Mary Kane,
by a defaulting boarder, in 1868...
...was left the supposedly worthless deed
to an abandoned mineshaft:
The Colorado Lode.
Fifty-seven years later,
before a congressional investigation...
... Walter P. Thatcher,
grand old man of Wall Street...
...for years chief target
of Kane papers' attacks on trusts...
...recalls a journey he made as a youth.
My firm had been appointed trustee
by Mrs.Kane...
...for a large fortune she recently acquired.
It was her wish that I take charge
of this boy, Charles Foster Kane.
Chief, is it not, that on this occasion,
Charles Foster Kane...
...personally attacked you after striking you
in the stomach with a sled?
I shall read to the committee
a prepared statement...
...which I have brought with me,
and then refuse to answer questions.
Mr.Charles Foster Kane,
in every essence of his social beliefs...
...and by the dangerous manner
he has persistently attacked...
...American traditions of private property...
...initiative and opportunity
for advancement...
...is, in fact, nothing more or less
than a communist.