...as any man in our time,
but when he dies...
...something is on his mind called Rosebud.
- What does that mean?
- A racehorse he bet on once.
- That didn't come in.
- But what was the race?
- Thompson.
- Yes.
Hold this up a week, two if you must.
Don't you think right after he's dead--
Find out about Rosebud. Get in touch
with anybody who knew him...
...or knew him well.
That manager of his....
Bernstein. His second wife.
She's still living.
Susan Alexander Kane.
- She runs a nightclub in Atlantic City.
- That's right.
See them all. Get in touch with everybody
that ever worked for him...
...whoever loved him,
whoever hated his guts.
I don't mean go through
the city directory of course.
I'll get on it right away.
Good. Rosebud, dead or alive.
It will probably turn out to be
a very simple thing.
Miss Alexander.
This is Mr.Thompson, Miss Alexander.
I want another drink, John.
Right away.
Will you have something, Mr.Thompson?
- I'll have a highball, please.
- Who told you you could sit down?
I thought maybe we could have a talk.
Think again.
Can't you people leave me alone?
I'm minding my own business,
you mind yours.
If I could just have a talk with you,
Miss Alexander. I'd--
Get out of here.