Citizen Kane

- Got that?
- "The world's sixth largest private fortune."

I don't think you realize the full importance
of the position you are to occupy.

I am therefore enclosing
for your consideration...

...a list of your holdings,
extensively cross-indexed.

- "Dear Mr.Thatcher."
- It's from Mr.Kane.

- Go on.
- "Sorry, I'm not interested in gold mines...

"...oil wells, shipping or real estate."
Not interested?
"One item on your list intrigues me:
The New York Inquirer.

"A little newspaper we acquired
in a foreclosure proceeding.

"Don't sell it.
I am coming back to take charge.

"I think it would be fun
to run a newspaper.

"I think it would be fun
to run a newspaper."

"Traction Trust exposed."
"Traction Trust bleeds public white."
"Traction Trust smashed by Inquirer."
"Landlords refuse to clear slums."
"Inquirer wins slum fight."
"Wall Street backs copper swindle."
"Copper robbers indicted."
"Galleons of Spain off Jersey Coast."
Is that really your idea
of how to run a newspaper?

I don't know how to run a newspaper.
I try everything I can think of.

You know there's not
the slightest proof this...

- ...Armada's off the Jersey Coast.
- Hello, Mr.Bernstein.

Can you prove it isn't?
I'd like you to meet Mr.Thatcher.

- Mr.Leland.
- Hello.

Mr.Thatcher, my ex-guardian.
We have no secrets from our readers.
Thatcher is one of our devoted readers.

He knows what's wrong with every copy
of the Inquirer since I took over. Read.

"Girls delightful in Cuba. Stop.
Could send you prose poems...

"...about scenery but don't feel right
spending your money. Stop.

"There is no war in Cuba."
Signed "Wheeler." Any answer?

Yes. Dear Wheeler: You provide
the prose poems, I'll provide the war.

- That's fine.
- I like it myself. Send it right away.

I came to see you
about this campaign of yours.
