Citizen Kane

Emily Monroe Norton, she's the niece
of the President of the United States.

President's niece?
Before he's through,
she'll be a president's wife.

The way things turned out,
I don't need to tell you.

Miss Emily Norton was no rosebud.
It didn't end very well, did it?
It ended.
Then there was Susie. That ended, too.
You know, Mr.Thompson, I was thinking...
...this Rosebud
you're trying to find out about....

Maybe that was something he lost.
Mr.Kane was a man who lost
almost everything he had.

You ought to see Jed Leland.
Of course, he and Mr.Kane
didn't exactly see eye to eye.

You take the Spanish-American war.
I guess Mr.Leland was right.
That was Mr.Kane's war.

We didn't really have anything
to fight about.

Do you think if it hadn't been for that war
of Mr.Kane's...

...we'd have the Panama Canal?
I wish I knew where Mr.Leland was.
A lot of the time now
they don't tell me these things.

Maybe even he's dead.
In case you'd like to know...
...he's at the Huntington Memorial Hospital
on 180th Street.

You don't say. I had--
Nothing particular the matter with him,
they tell me, just....

Just old age.
It's the only disease that you don't
look forward to being cured of.
