He just left you a tip.
He had a generous mind.
I don't suppose anybody
ever had so many opinions.
But he never believed in anything
except Charlie Kane.
He never had a conviction
except Charlie Kane in his life.
I suppose he died without one.
That must have been pretty unpleasant.
Of course, a lot of us check out without
having any special convictions about death.
But we do know what we're leaving.
We do believe in something.
Are you absolutely sure
you haven't got a cigar?
- Sorry, Mr.Leland.
- Never mind.
- What do you know about Rosebud?
- "Rosebud"?
His dying words: "Rosebud."
I saw that in the Inquirer.
I never believed anything
I saw in the Inquirer.
Anything else?
I can tell you about Emily.
I went to dancing school with Emily.
I was very graceful.
- We were talking about the first Mrs.Kane.
- What was she like?
She was like all the girls I knew
in dancing school.
Very nice girl. Emily was a little nicer.
After the first couple of months...
...she and Charlie didn't see much
of each other except at breakfast.
It was a marriage
just like any other marriage.
- You're beautiful.
- I can't be.
Yes, you are. You're very beautiful.
I've never been to six parties
in one night before.
- I've never been up this late.
- It's a matter of habit.
- What will the servants think?
- That we enjoyed ourselves.
Why do you have to go straight off
to the newspaper?
You never should've married a
newspaperman, they're worse than sailors.
I absolutely adore you.
Charles, even newspapermen
have to sleep.
I'll call Mr.Bernstein and have him
put off my appointments till noon.