- It's Swede.
- Blackout again.
- You got a cigarette?
- Sure.
I can't move. I can't feel anything.
How did I get...?
That's good.
What happened, chum?
Did you misjudge your altitude?
It was a dive.
I couldn't pull up.
Blacked out.
Why don't you doctors
do something about that.
Yeah, why don't we. Here.
Here's the pressure
on the spine right here.
That can only be relieved
by an immediate operation.
Well, he's pretty weak
from shock and loss of blood.
There's a chance if we wait for him
to regain strength.
Wait? Of course, it's your responsibility,
but did a case ever improve by waiting?
He'll never regain consciousness unless
we go in now. I wish I wasn't so certain.
- Who's caring for Larson?
- Commander Martin, Lieutenant Lee.