Shall I phone and tell him I've caught the
mumps or something and stay a while?
Yeah, sure. Do that.
Did you hear what I said?
I'm offering to stay another week.
What? Oh, another week.
Why, darling, that will be wonderful.
I hope you can make it.
Look, will you excuse me just a moment?
I must talk to these fellas.
Why do I keep tossing myself at you?
Why am I such a chump?
Darling, you're not a chump.
I'll be right back.
Say, could I buy you fellas a drink?
No, thanks.
I just... Oh, thanks, I'll have it here.
I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry
for sounding off that way this morning.
I guess we're all wound up
a bit too tight.
You know, this blackout in dive-bombing
is a very interesting medical subject.
I just read a report on it.
Seems those German Stuka pilots
have been hit hard.
You find a way to make
pullouts easier?
Sure. Cut down your diving speed with
flaps and just hang up there in the air.
Then you're a pushover
for antiaircraft fire.
Yeah, it's tough, all right.
But I still think with proper research,
we'll lick those problems.
It's a cinch. The new German bombers
are coming in at about 38,000 feet.
All RAF fighters have to do is top
that by a few thousand feet to attack.
Trouble is, when you're that high,
you're unconscious.
Say, that brings up
another interesting problem.
Dr. Collins has new work on high-altitude
sickness. What's it doing to your outfit?
Three men in the sickbay,
and one funeral.
We don't know whether that last one
was high-altitude sickness...
...blackout or just too much
smart surgery.
It must be pretty uncomfortable
up at 30,000 feet, isn't it?
Not at all, doc, it's great sport.
Freeze, get nutty from no oxygen,
crash, break your neck.
You ought to try it some time.
Thanks. Well, just thought we might
learn something from each other.
I've learned one thing from you.
If you pill rollers flew more,
you might find how to help.
- I agree with you.
- How many hops you made this week?