Torpedo Squadron 6 from tower.
Wind northwest. Take off when ready.
Thirty years ago, the Navy had
one airplane and two pilots.
Only 20 years ago, a Naval aviator
was the first man to fly the Atlantic.
In those few years, the men who learned
to fly here really built Naval aviation.
And now you're here
to learn to fly and to fight...
...become a part of that heritage.
Soon you'll be looking back
and realizing...
...that each of you has shared
in making history as it is made today.
All right. March to ground school.
Attention. Left face.
Forward, march.
I know you're trying. Everybody's trying.
In fact, the Navy is famous for trying.
But if small planes make you dizzy,
you'd better go back to Philadelphia.
We won't order another transfer
to teach you to fly.
- Now, you think it over.
- Yes, sir.
- He's in a bad mood this morning.
- He's in a very good mood for him.
- That's all.
- Yes, sir.
Any of you guys can't find a room,
I'll share my doghouse with you.
- You're next, sir.
- Thanks.
- You better stand away from that door.
- Why, sir?
I don't want you to get hurt
when I get thrown through it.