Go on and take those charts
out of my hair.
Tim, I'd like to see you for a minute.
What's the matter?
Haven't I bounced enough?
You better be in on this too, Joe.
Well, sounds like a tea party.
Hey, Lucky, she's back again.
Why don't somebody tell me
when it's payday?
- Here we go again, boys!
- Hey, look, you better be careful.
He's asleep, Mrs. James.
He had a bad night.
He's got worse ones coming
when he gets better.
We're doing all we can
to get him back on his feet.
Just get him strong enough to sit up. I'll
have more fun beating him on the head.
No, you see, the doctor says he's got:
You see... for the patient's...
...and they get themselves laying in bed:
- Look. You see where it says "ward"?
- Yeah.
Well, you take the D out
and the... what have you got?
Piston rods.
So you see, it'll never help you.
It will satisfy my soul.
That dame's crazy.
You're not going to recommend me
for a waiver, are you?
- That's right.
- The service can't lose a pilot like Tim.
Can't you wait,
give him another Schneider?
- I don't believe that would do any good.
- What do you know?
I can count, read a watch
and a blood-pressure dial.
- What's wrong with me?
- Pilot fatigue.
As far as flying's concerned,
you're worn-out.
Like the works of an old watch.
What are you talking about?
I can fly as well as I ever could.
Doug's right. There's no argument.
This tells the story.
Here's a composite graph of Schneider
indices in the cases of pilot fatigue.
This is the turning point.
Tense irritability, nervousness.
You weren't in good shape when you
reported. I ran extra Schneiders on you.