- I've got a job for you.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Hey, Lucky, lower your boom.
Tugboat Annie's back again
with a full head of steam.
Ain't a guy got no privacy
in this man's Navy?
You can't see him, Mrs. James.
He's gotten lower.
He couldn't get any lower than he was.
Where is the snake?
- In an oxygen tent with four nurses.
- That sounds like him.
I bet they're all blonds.
Are they? Are they all blonds?
No, male nurses. We're trying
to pull him through the crisis.
Better get him pulled by next payday,
or I'm going to the admiral.
Mrs. James?
I was just wondering if I couldn't
sort of help you with the admiral?
You know him?
Truthfully, no. But he and a friend
of mine are very good pals.
I thought we could discuss it
somewhere sometime.
Perhaps tonight for dinner? About 7?
- Well, I don't know.
- 7:30?
I suppose it'll be all right,
seeing how I'm practically a widow.
Your husband's in a bad way, and we
could discuss the various arrangements.
Well, I live at the
Blue Horizon Apartments.
I'll meet you in the lobby.
Make it 7. And please don't be late.
I'm always on time.
You see, I... for the Navy.
I can... traditions, you know.
People talking about the state.
I walk through... Boy Scouts. But:
That's nice. So am I.
I'll see you later.
Okay, Lucky, all clear.
Hey, what's wrong with you, bud?
What's yours?
- Why is this door open?
- Well, I was going...
What are you doing in there?
I was checking things to see if
everything's shipshape for inspection.