No soap, I got a lot of work to do.
What's her friend look like?
I've never known Navy fliers,
but I know lots of Army fliers.
They're loads of fun.
That's very interesting.
- Did you miss me dreadfully?
- Miss you? Oh, I could hardly stand it.
Isn't that pleasant?
How long have I been gone?
How long? Must have been weeks,
wasn't it?
Weeks? I've been gone for months,
you foul creature.
You haven't heard a word I've said.
- Are all Navy men so absent-minded?
- Yeah. No, no.
Hey, Lee, it just hit me.
I know how we can control
the pressure and oxygen in that suit.
Globe valves with fine threads
on the spindles.
- Wouldn't work, I don't think.
- Yes, it would work. I'll show you.
- Are they all like that?
- He seems to infect them.
Unfair to organized womanhood.
Maybe if we extended this flange
down a little farther.
It won't do it, Joe. The movements
to the valve aren't fine enough.
You'll either get a slight trickle of oxygen
or a whole slug of it all at once.
You've got to have a smooth,
fine, hairline control.
How about a shampoo
and finger wave?
You know, I fly too,
but I'm not such a bore about it.
I can talk about other things
now and then.
We'll have to find somebody
to invent a new valve.
I'll try if you've got
another screwdriver.
Excuse me.
That shade won't be becoming to you.
Joe? Look.
A slide valve with a fine screw
on the stem.