Each turn opens it just a hair.
This is it.
Sure, that's got it. Look.
If we design something like this,
have the outlet...
Will you gentlemen excuse us, please?
Helen, not so loud.
You might wake them up.
- And I said they'd be exciting.
- I'm disappointed in the Navy.
It's getting so a girl
can't compete with nuts and bolts.
Well, there's always the Marine Corps.
May I help you?
This valve engages this gadget,
we're off to the races.
- Have we overlooked anything?
- No.
- Dr. Lee?
- Yeah.
Mrs. Fisher asked me
to give you this with a message.
"Home Mechanics Magazine."
- What was the message?
- Sailors, you're an awful bore
Valves to you
We've gone ashore
We don 't like quarrels
We don 't like scenes
The Navy's too busy
We'll try the Marines
These pressure-cabin jobs are tricky.
Sure you understand all the controls?
- Pressure, oxygen, humidity, temperature?
- Certainly.
Don't look toward the sun when you get
up. Its rays will blind you in that thin air.
Thanks. So long.
Why do we need oxygen masks
in a pressure cabin?
- We don't.
- What did we bring them along for?
Force of habit, I guess.