San Diego, calling Lieutenant
Commander Blake in 6FOX4.
This is Blake in 6FOX4. Go ahead.
Joe, this is Doug. What the devil
do you think you're doing?
I'd say I'm doing about 250
at 26,000 and going up.
Are you...? Don't try to take
that ship to its ceiling.
Why not? That was the whole idea.
I want to prove this.
Then you can turn me out to pasture.
Listen, you're in no shape to fly.
You've been grounded.
I can't hear you, pal.
The neighbors are playing the radio.
Joe, this is Lance. Don't be a fool.
Come on down.
Twenty-eight thousand.
This suit works like a charm.
We should open a tailor shop for angels.
Joe, that's high enough.
You've done the job.
Now head up for the stable.
I can't do a thing.
She's got the bit in her teeth.
...the skipper's come in the room.
He's here with us.
He's ordering you to land.
Tell him he shouldn't be hanging around
the radio tower. It's undignified.
Thirty thousand.
Life begins at 40.
Listen to reason, you crazy idiot.
You guys are wasting my breath.
I'll see you later.
Switched off.
Might as well argue with a wall.