Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

-Oh, hello, Marcia.
-Are you here alone?

Yes, yes. I just made some tea.
Come and have a cup.

Not me, nor you either. We ain't got time.
Get dressed, we're going out.

Freddie's got a young brother from Oxford.
They want another girl to make it a quartet.

He's a bit of all right too.
And we're going to the Empire.
-The Empire?
-Yes. Oh, it's ever so gay there, lvy...

...and the show is grand.
It's just where all the toffs go.

-No, I don't think so, Marcia.
-Why not?

I just don't feel like it. That's all.
You ain't afraid to go, are you?
-Why should I be afraid?
-Oh, I don't know.

I just thought....
Well, I ain't afraid of nobody.
But you ain't been out
for ever so long, have you?

-No, but--
-He ain't your lord and master, is he?

I should say he ain't.
Or is it because you ain't
got a nice enough dress?

Of course I have.
What are you standing there for, then?
Go and put it on.

All right.
What's that across your back?
What? There's nothing.
Did he do that to you?
-Let me see.
-No. No.

It ain't nothing.
