I see no reason
why I shouId deny him.
Do you not remember...
since Lord Asano's death...
reIatives of Lady Asano...
have been suffering?
Even to reIatives
remote as her cousins...
and many others, too.
Suffering has not yet stopped.
Don't show him in.
If former Ako vassaIs...
attack Lord Kira...
it wiII cause annoy ance...
to Lady Asano's reIatives.
Now the appeaI's turned down.
Why shouId he come
at a time Iike this?
What if seeing him
affects the shogun?
I see your feeIings
as being of Iong service.
I've my stand as a vassaI
of this Miyoshi house.
Where's Oishi?
Our Iady wiII see him.
Lady Toda, wait.
Our Iady is here.