It makes me think of so much
that was good that is gone.
It was on this afternoon
that I first saw Bron - Bronwyn.
She had come over from the next valley
for her first call on my father and mother.
Is this Gwilym Morgan's house?
You must be Huw.
- Is that you, Bronwyn?
- Yes.t
There's lovely you are.
I think I fell in love with Bronwyn then.
Perhaps it is foolish to think a child could
fall in love, but I am the child that was,
and nobody knows how I felt, except only me.
- I'm so proud for lvor.
- I'm the one to be proud.
You think well of our lvor?
It seems only a few months
since he was scratching around here
like this one, with his mouth open.
This is Bronwyn, Huw,
who's to be your sister.
We have met already.
Be careful of the basket.
There's shortcake in it.