Hold on, Momma.
They've heard us. They're coming.
He was awake just now.
He'll do, then. But it's beyond me to say why.
You're breeding horses
in this family, Mr Morgan.
This boy should be in his coffin, for my part.
He's a Morgan then, is it, sir?
He should be fed now, Mrs lvor.
A little soup...
and some warm smiles.
- Good day. Wait, wait, wait.
- Huw was awake just now. He spoke to Bron.
- How long then for the little one?
- It's hard to tell.
His legs were frozen to the bone.
A year, two years, quiet like that.
But I can't promise that he'll ever walk again.
Nature must take her course. Gee up.
Mind your tongue. I think he heard you.