- I have been too busy.
- What business, may I ask?
- Mine.
- Only asking a civil question, I was.
And having a civil answer.
I have been busy with the union.
Unions are the work of the Devil.
You will come to no good end.
At least I am not sitting on it,
talking rubbish in chapel.
- Look here...
- Leave it, or I'll say something to be sorry.
This is a matter that requires airing.
Lanto, why do you think
we at the chapel talk rubbish?
My remark was not aimed at you..
Then aim it.
Very well.
Because you make yourselves out
to be shepherds of the flock,
and yet you allow your sheep
to live in filth and poverty.
And if they try and raise
their voices against it,
you calm them by telling them
their suffering is the will of God.
Sheep, indeed. Are we sheep to be herded
and sheared by a handful of owners?
I was taught man was made
in the image of God, not a sheep.
- Lanto.
- I haven't expressed my views
because I haven't had any wish
to interfere in a family disagreement.
You have my permission to speak.
Very well, then. Here is what I think.
First, have your union.
You need it. Alone, you are weak.
Together, you are strong.
But remember that with strength goes
responsibility, to others and yourselves.
For you cannot conquer injustice
with more injustice,
only with justice, and the help of God.
Are you coming outside
your position in life, Mr Gruffydd?
Your business is spiritual.
My business is anything
between man and the spirit of God.
The deacons shall hear that
you have been preaching socialism.