Isn't there?
He's had a rich, full life.
A man couldn't ask for more
than he's been given.
No, I guess not.
He'll be glad to see you.
He's been asking for you
all the time.
Hello, Dad.
I leave town for a month
and find you in bed.
Out in the rain
without your rubbers, eh?
Well, you look fine, Dad.
Just fine.
You'll probably be
out ofhere in a week.
Say, the fishing in Mexico,
there's nothing like it.
It's not really fishing,
it's kind of big-game hunting.
They have fish
with teeth and horns.
Throwback to the buffalo.
You go out in a boat
and fish charge at you.
And you...
And you just gotta catch 'em
in self-defense.
You and I
and two machine guns...
are going down there fishing
next month.
No more fishing for me,
What are you talking about?
Why, Dr. Harvey
You all right, Dad?
Tell me about her.
About her?
The girl you're going
to marry.
Oh, she's wonderful.
I met her at the Williams'.
An old Boston family.
Been in Mexico
a number of years.
We hit it off right away.
I wanted to marry her
the first week, but l...
I thought I'd let you see her first.
Why didn't you bring her?
Well, l... I dropped her
at the hotel.
We brought
her mother along too.
I thought you'd be resting.
The excitement.
I want to see her.
Yes, Dad.
First thing in the morning.