His fa... fo...
Try not to talk.
That's the important thing.
If you don't say anything,
you can't get tripped up.
I won't speak unless I'm spoken to.
That's the ticket.
A Miss Pennington has
telephoned several times
while you were out, sir.
Miss Penni...
Excuse me! Oh!
When she calls again,
tell her I'll call her as soon as I can.
Let's go over it once more.
How long have you lived in Mexico?
Five years.
Just a mother.
Left for Boston.
To see?
Remember, try not to talk.
I may have to
answer something.
If he asks you a question you're
not sure of, just smile... like this.
You can smile your way
out of anything.
That's fine. Ready?
Oh. Yes, indeed.
My blessings to you both.
Well, thank you.
Hello, Bishop.
Good morning, son.
This is Bishop Maxwell.
And this is...
How do you do?
How do you do.
Have you had your breakfast?
Yes, she has.
Yes, thank you.
Wouldn't like a nice
little steak sent up here,
would you?
- No, thank you.
- You could eat it when everyone's gone.
She said no.
And she wouldn't care
for a nice cigar either...
which she could smoke
when everyone's gone.
It won't do, Jonathan.
Keep an eye on him, Bishop.
I'll be right back.
Wonder if that ol' witch doctor
has a medical diploma. I bet he hasn't.
How did you find Mexico?
Wonderful country,
isn't it?
Yes. Yes, it is.
Yes, I was there quite a while myself.
Almost two years.
Charming language.
Se dice que los Espanoles
tienen un proverbio.
El idioma Aleman
es para los caballos,
el Frances para los hombres...
y el Espanol para los mujeres.
Yo digo ques los Espanoles
estan en lo cierto. No es asi?
Now, Bishop.