when the roll
when the roll
is called up yonder
when the roll is called
up yonder, i'll be there
"and he spake this parable
unto them, saying,
"what man of you
having 100 sheep,
"if you lose one of them,
doth not leave
the 90 and 9 and-"
"doth not leave
the 90 and 9
in the wilderness..."
"and go after that
which are lost
"until he find it?
And when he hath found it,
"he layeth it on his shoulder
and rejoiceth,
and when he cometh-"
all right, zeke.
Sit yourself down.
"And when he cometh home,
"he calleth together
his friends and neighbors,
"He calleth to his friends
and neighbors,
"saying unto them,
rejoice with me,
for i have found my sheep
which were lost."
I recollect the time
sam hawkins lost his old sow.
He come out one morning.
The pen be busted down.
The sow was gone.
Sam lit out after her
to find her.
He had 67 other pigs
that didn't run off,
but did sam get down
on his marrow bones
and thank the good lord
for that?
No, sirree. Not sam.
He hunted high and low
for that old s-
as i was saying,
he hunted high and low
for that old sow.
About all he-