I ain't
a-taking nothing hard, pastor,
and i ain't
making excuses for alvin
to nobody.
Of course you ain't,
and i ain't asking you to.
I'm right proud
of alvin.
Got a right to be.
Works hard,
alvin does,
and scratching that poor land.
It's mighty hard
getting corn
out of rocks.
Indeed it is.
Who's to blame him
if he busts loose
now and again?
Nobody, mother york.
Nary a soul.
Of course,
i ain't for alvin doing like he does.
A little religion
wouldn't do him no hurt.
No, it wouldn't.
Pastor, i wouldn't
be agin
your talking
to alvin.
You reckon it could
do any good?
wouldn't do no harm.
I'll be riding up
and having a talk with him.
I'm a-thanking you,
Yes, ma?
I reckon i know
where your brother's at.
He's up
the kentuck border.
Go fetch him.
Yes, ma'am.
Better be taking
a piece of pone
for your supper,
Yes, ma'am.