The lord bless these victuals
we done got
and help us to be
beholden to nobody.
I'm a-reckon you'll
want some salt on your pone.
Whoa, fred.
Get up, noah.
Howdy, pastor.
Hi, alvin.
I been kind of
expecting you.
I'm right sorry
the other night.
i reckon i done
the wrong thing.
Oh, see that rock,
You been plowing
around that rock a heap of years.
Sure have.
Did you ever think
when you start plowing
your furrows crooked,
it's mighty hard
to get them straight again?
I never thought
on it much.
Well, it's that-a-way,
i reckon,
with other things
besides plowing.
Satan's got you
by the shirttail, alvin.
Sure has.
Get up, noah.
He's going
to yank you
straight down
to hell.
You are plumb right,
You got to make him
let loose of you before it's too late.
I sure wish
i knowed how.
Wrestle him
like you would a bear.
I done wrestled him,
but-whoa there,
Whoa. Whoa, noah.
But old satan-
he hangs on tight.
You and the lord
could throw him, alvin.
Why, 'twixt
the two of you,
you'd have old satan
down in a jiffy.
I sure wish the lord
would throw in.
He will
if you ask him.
Oh, i done prayed,
till i was black
in the face.