Got some
nipping cider.
Well, that would go
mighty good.
I'll be
getting it.
"And the lion
shall lie down with the lamb.
And the..."
here's your cider.
It's coming from
the-where's zeb?
Well, what's he...
i reckon he lit out.
Well, ain't he
coming back?
No, ma'am, he ain't.
That strikes me
mighty queer.
Yes, ma'am.
thy hand findeth to do,
do it
with thy might."
Alvin, you did-
you was fighting!
It weren't much.
Alvin york, l-
you ain't a-fitting
to come a-visiting
a girl!
He ain't got
no business around here anyhow.
As much business
as you have, alvin york.
No, he ain't.
Well, why ain't he?
Well, he ain't
because why?
Well, because...
because i'm a-going to marry you.
You what?
I'm a-going to
marry you.
Now, now, now, now,
alvin, you stop that.
Don't you be saying
things like that.
Don't you be
saying them.
Well, i are.
Well, you are,
are you?
Yes, ma'am.
Well, you ca-
well, you might have
told me about it!
what i'm a-doing.
Well, i never-
you look here!
I wouldn't have you
on a christmas tree, alvin york!
Hmm. Fine husband
you'd make.
Zeb andrews
would make a better one?
Oh, how should i know?
Maybe he would.
Zeb andrews
got a piece of bottom land.