Sergeant York

That there is
bottom land soil, ain't it?

Queer how the folks
that lives on the bottom

looks down
on the folks on top.

Were always
that way.

Ain't no
changing it.

Well, i'm a-going to
change it.

I'm a-going to get us
a piece of bottom land.

Your pa set out
to get hisself

a piece
of bottom land once.

Nary a man
ever tried harder.

Like to kill hisself

Was a long time
'fore he give up,

but he had to
in the end.

Well, i ain't
a-setting myself up

as a better man
than pa.

I reckon i ain't
half as good.

But i'm a-knowing
where there's a piece

of bottom land
to be had,

and i'm
a-going to get it.

Maybe you will.
How old you say
this here mule be?

9 year,
but abraham's sound. Yes, he are.

He's kind of
pussle-gutted, it appears to me.
