You got meat!
He sure busted him
wide open.
I reckon you
just got to
talk their
language, alvin.
I reckon you do.
You sure
got him, alvin.
Ought to be
eating good.
This here bird
ain't for eating.
get your targets ready for the beef shoot.
Rules same
as always were. Shots are $1.00 apiece.
The two best shooters
get the hind quarters.
The next two
get the fore quarters.
The fifth man gets
the hide and tallow.
The sixth man
gets to dig the lead out of the tree.
All right. Pay your dollar
and draw your number.
Load her up careful.
We got a long ways to paddle.
Here you be,
Thank you.
Hey, zeke, you ain't
paid your dollar yet.
Why, sure enough.
I reckon it just slipped my mind.
How much
for this here bird?
I can't give any more
than one shot,
i reckon.
I'll be a-taking it,
and give me four more.
Five shots?
Am i hearing you right, alvin?
I'm a-wanting
five shots, lem.
You figuring to get
that whole critter?
My mind's sort of
running that-a-way.
Where did you get
them ideas, alvin?
You sure got
some shooters agin you.
They'll get a chance
when i put the critter up again.
I'm a-needing
cash money, and i'm going to get it.
Ain't nobody
ever cut five centers,
'lessn it were
daniel boone,
and you
ain't wearing no coonskin hat.
I ain't a-needing one.
Number eight, next.
Number nine.