He's been shooting
to beat that.
You got to beat
tom's shot
if you want to
get the whole beef, alvin.
What do it
look like?
Looks like
plumb middle to me.
I never thought he could do it!
He had good aim.
Well, tom ain't
more than a hair off,
but alvin done cut
dead center fair and square.
daniel boone.
There's your beef,
alvin, all yourn.
Five centers
is right smart shooting.
Haven't seen the like since the big one.
Any of you fellers
want another chance,
why, drop a dollar
in this here hat.
Are you shooting
agin us, alvin?
Not this time.
Lend me a dollar.
miss miranda.
Hello, boys.
Y'all come over
to see the shooting?
It's over.
Alvin york cut center five times
and won
lem's beef critter on the hoof.
Alvin won
lem's beef critter?
Well, i'll be damned.
And he's putting him
up again.
Boys, get your
targets ready.
Oh, mr. Tomkins,
i was just coming over to see you.
There you be.
$26, and i got
the rest of it here in my pocket.
Well, i'm
right sorry, alvin,
but i just sold
that bottom land to zeb here.
What? You're
telling me you-
now, don't go
raring up, alvin!
I never figured
you'd get that money.
Anyway, your time
was rightly up last tuesday.
You allowed i could
have more time.
But it weren't
in writing.
I was a-taking
your word for it.
Zeb here paid me
cash money, all down!
He did, did he?
'Tain't my fault.
He sold it to me!
Now, look here!
You better get,
both of you.