"Foxy Gent, who stops in the stretch..."
- hasn't a chance to win,
but he's liable to come in first...
...in case he forgets to quit.
Nick, why don't you just put down
the book and read the racing form.
Nicholas, you know, you're getting
more like your mother every day.
All right. Son of a Gun is 40-1.
Nicky, something tells me that something
important is happening somewhere.
And I think we should be there.
He's up on his feet!
He's heading this way!
Ma'am, did he hear that,
or did he smell it?
- That's Mr. Charles, isn't it?
- Yes'm.
- This is a cocktail, isn't it?
- Yes'm.
They'll get together.
Must be tele... Telescope...
In the old days, they put a lamp
in the window.
Stella, the lost patrol has returned,
Well, Mommy, we had to get Jack
down off the beanstalk.
- Hi there.
- Mommy!
Hello, darling.
- Did you have a good time?
- Yes.
- Did Daddy read you a story?
- Yes.
Tell Mommy the story.
Son of a Gun is 40-1.
Don't you think we should have a rug
over there to cover that bare spot?