- That's discipline.
- You said a man was murdered.
Don't worry. He won't get away.
I haven't seen you and Nick in ages.
- What happened?
- You know that jockey, Goldez?
The one caught throwing
the fourth race yesterday?
- He was shot.
- My, they're strict at this track.
I don't think the track officials shot
this one, do you, lieutenant?
He was undoubtedly bumped off
to keep him from talking.
Sounds exciting. Who did it?
Person or persons unknown did the job,
and it's my job...
...to see that they don't stay unknown.
Well, so long, Nick.
Goodbye, Mrs. Charles.
- I gotta see a man about a murder.
- Good luck, lieutenant.
With luck, we'll be out of here by the
last race. There go my seven winners.
The body's back in the shower,
lieutenant. This way.
All right, one side. Heads up.
All right, boys. Heads up.
Coroner, here's Lieutenant Abrams.
Nice of you to come over, lieutenant.
The DA thought you'd better be
in on this.
- Probably be laid in your lap anyway.
- Okay, okay. What's the score?
Death was instantaneous
from a bullet wound...
...penetrating the left eye
and then the brain.
A.38-caliber bullet, or maybe
a little bigger. I'll get it for you later.
Would the angle of fire be okay
if it was fired from that window?
Mind your own business, Clarke.
I'm running the Homicide Squad.
Not you and your paper.
A couple guys get out there and beat
through the grounds for the gun.
Come on! Okay, you guys.
You took enough pictures
to paper a house.
- Well, Nick Charles! What's cooking, kid?
- Give us the lowdown.
- I've got nothing to do with this case.
- Oh, come on, Nick.
- I'm looking for Lieutenant Abrams.
- Come on, Nick.
You're only wasting your film.
I'm just a bystander. Hello, Paul.
Will you call these newshawks off?
I've got nothing to do with this.
I'm looking for Abrams.
He been around?
I thought I told you guys to beat it.
Mr. Charles has got no connection
with this case.
What did I tell you? Lieutenant,
have you any influence with the police?
- Sure, I got great connections.
- Maybe you can help me out.
My car is completely surrounded
by your mechanized division.
Sure. Say, get some of those squad cars
out of Mr. Charles' way.