It's awfully white, isn't it?
You wanted to be a father.
Drunk, dear?
I keep seeing purple cows.
Mr. Charles, there's some gentlemens
to see you.
A Mr. Paul Sculley and Mayor Clarke.
Paul...? That could be Paul Clarke
and Major Sculley.
I think perhaps I'd better see them.
Can't they wait
until you've finished dinner?
This may be very important.
I hate to tear myself away.
- Well, hello, Paul. Hiya, major.
- Hello, Nick.
You don't know how happy
I am to see you.
- You are?
- You got here just in time.
My son just put me on the milk wagon.
- Will you have a snort?
- Not a thing.
No? Well, sit down. I'll have just
a short antidote. What's up?
Well, I suppose we might
as well get down to cases.
I hope you don't mean murder cases.
Nick, when they appointed me
special deputy for the State Legislature...
...they handed me a headache.
This gambling racket
getting you down, major?
That jockey was our first real witness.
Goldez might have talked, Nick,
so they shut him up with a bullet.
- And we're right back where we started.
- That's a luckier break than Goldez got.
The syndicate responsible for this
has gotta be smashed.